The strictly must-have utility Mac apps for 2021.

You’re not efficient until you have these.

Barclay Sloan
Mac O’Clock


Photo by Mia Baker on Unsplash & edited by Barclay Sloan

Macs are a great thing.

You can do just about anything your heart desires on your Mac, whether it’s creative work, productivity, entertainment or gaming; made possible through great apps.

The quality of apps with the number of apps made available has got to be one of the single-best reasons you would use a Mac over PC. Depending on your requirements and needs, these apps creatively solve a problem and add life-saving value to your workflow while looking gorgeous.

While we are still at the beginning of the year, I curated the following list of utility apps I use and love that I believe every Mac user should have.

I guarantee that there is at least one app listed below that you will appreciate. Some you may be familiar with and some you might not but could spark your curiosity.

These apps are game-changing, and I will kick off the first one with a personal favourite.

Cleanshot X

Cleanshot X —

CleanShot X is the best screenshot and screen recording app for Mac with a built -in annotation tool, Cloud uploading, scrolling capture, and a lot more. You can check it out here.

One Switch

One Switch —

All your powerful switches in one place. Hide desktop icons, toggle between dark and light mode, keep your Mac awake and much more.
You can check it out here.

Haze Over

Haze Over -

Too many windows to manage? Large display? Or sometimes getting lost in multiple monitors? HazeOver is for you! This app automatically highlights the front window by fading out all the background windows.

Drop Over

Drop Over —

Dropover is a macOS utility that makes Drag and Drop easier. Use it to stash, gather or move any draggable content without having to open side-by-side windows. Check it out here.

AirBuddy 2

AirBuddy 2 —

With AirBuddy, you can simply open your AirPods case (or even your Beats) next to your Mac and see the current status right away, just like how it works on your iPhone or iPad. With just a click you’ll be instantly connected and playing your Mac’s audio through your AirPods. Powerful gestures and automation allow you to connect and change listening mode, microphone input, and output volume, without ever having to open up System Preferences or the Bluetooth menu. Check it out here.

CleanMyMac X

CleanMyMac X —

Clean up your Mac. The most user-friendly problem fixer for Mac. Delete system junk, unwanted apps and malware, and tune your Mac for maximum speed. For a slow computer, use immediately. Check it out here.


Numi —

Beautiful calculator app for Mac.
Numi is a handy calculator app for macOS. It allows to describe tasks the natural way and instantly get an accurate answer. For example, $20 in euro — 5% discount or today + 2 weeks. Check it out here.


Optimage —

Automatically compress images achieving the highest compression ratio at consistent image quality. Check it out here.


F.lux —

f.lux is a free download that warms up your computer display at night, to match your indoor lighting. Check it out here.

Alfred 4

Alfred 4 —

Alfred is an award-winning app for macOS which boosts your efficiency with hotkeys, keywords, text expansion and more. Search your Mac and the web, and be more productive with custom actions to control your Mac. Check it out here.

Bartender 4

Bartender 4 —

Take control of your menu bar.
Bartender is a slick utility app and a one-stop menu bar organizer for Mac. It helps to organize, search, and actually use your Mac menu bar icons while also keeping your desktop tidy. With a minimal interface and straightforward value, Bartender stays unobstructive but ready to serve exactly when you need it. Check it out here.


Rocket —

Rocket is a free Mac app that makes typing emoji faster and easier using Slack-style shortcuts. Just start typing an emoji like :thumbsup: (👍) and Rocket will help auto-complete it — in any app! Check it out here.


Pasta —

The most flexible clipboard manager for the mac. Check it out here.


Moves —

Position macOS windows like a goddamn wizard. Check it out here.

Downie 4

Downie 4 —

Ever wished you could save a video from the Internet? Search no more, Downie is what you’re looking for. Easily download videos from thousands of different sites. Check it out here.

Let me know in the comments below which app you use and why.



Barclay Sloan
Mac O’Clock

Aspiring to be a great Writer, Marketer, Graphic Designer, Coder, Photographer, Videographer and Investor. Learning is life.